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主题 : 我和音乐有个约会之❤从经典到动感❤(经典部分相信听过都会喜欢的~){15/9更新101}
空茧 离线
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120  发表于: 2009-09-13  
Delta 的这首歌,我很喜欢前奏,她的长相很甜美,声音却很厚重
The story goes on without you 没有你故事仍将继续
Did you think that every time I see you I would cry 你以为每次我看见你我会哭
No not me, not I, not I, not I, not I 不.我不会,我不会
她的歌我还很喜欢----Lost Without You,听着听着就不禁开始回忆ing

空茧 离线
级别: 冰雪之王

UID: 187573
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群组: 书区版群组
在线时间: 1847(时)
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121  发表于: 2009-09-13  
REAL WORLD这歌旋律不错,只是这个组合俺MS一次都麻油注意过

Faith Hill俺喜欢的乡村女歌手之一,Breathe是她的巅峰之作啊
她的声音让我震撼,特别是《珍珠港》的There You'll Be,

Gabrielle的OUT OF REACH,唱的很欢快,虽然词并不是很很欢快
我最喜欢的还是Jamie O'Neal - All By Myself
囧,忍不住先直接留言再睡觉><JAMIE O'NEAL...是俺认识的那个NBA球星么……orz
[ 此帖被空茧在2009-09-13 00:54重新编辑 ]

空茧 离线
级别: 冰雪之王

UID: 187573
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群组: 书区版群组
在线时间: 1847(时)
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122  发表于: 2009-09-13  
卡卡,杰米.奥尼尔Jamie O'Neal和席琳·迪翁 celine dion都唱过这歌,
原唱是Eric Carmen
额,Jamie O'Neal不是NBA球星大鲨鱼---奥尼尔,男女有别,嘿嘿
那个嘿嘿,大鲨鱼是shaq oneal,jamie oneal我以为是小奥尼尔……

ru2006 离线
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123  发表于: 2009-09-13  
评:Right here waiting

刚刚看到Right here waiting,决定还是评一下,嘻嘻
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kogisn 离线
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UID: 44908
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在线时间: 2915(时)
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124  发表于: 2009-09-14  
引用第120楼空茧于2009-09-13 00:24发表的 Re:我和音乐有个约会之❤从经典到动感❤(相信听过都会喜欢的~){12/9更新64} :
Delta 的这首歌,我很喜欢前奏,她的长相很甜美,声音却很厚重
The story goes on without you 没有你故事仍将继续
Did you think that every time I see you I would cry 你以为每次我看见你我会哭
No not me, not I, not I, not I, not I 不.我不会,我不会


引用第121楼空茧于2009-09-13 00:46发表的  :
REAL WORLD这歌旋律不错,只是这个组合俺MS一次都麻油注意过

Faith Hill俺喜欢的乡村女歌手之一,Breathe是她的巅峰之作啊
她的声音让我震撼,特别是《珍珠港》的There You'll Be,

FAITH HILL的歌的确听来震撼啊

引用第123楼ru2006于2009-09-13 16:58发表的  :
评:Right here waiting

刚刚看到Right here waiting,决定还是评一下,嘻嘻

kogisn 离线
级别: 橘园贵宾

UID: 44908
精华: 16
发帖: 3681
橘果: 44656 颗
威望: 23352 点
光辉成就: 13 分
在线时间: 2915(时)
注册时间: 2008-02-25
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125  发表于: 2009-09-14  
今天被偷了东西,想到一首歌《world filled with love》于是决定来放俺最喜欢的R&B男歌手:Craig David

歌手介绍----Craig David


British Music Award 最佳英国男歌手、最佳英国专辑、最佳英国舞曲艺人提名 近来不少新人相继涌现英美乐坛,一众偶像派新星故然备受瞩目,但创作派的新秀亦看头十足!23岁的Craig David,一出道便被誉为英国R&B新星,不但囊括了英国乐坛六项大奖,首张大碟"Born To Do It"亦获得白金销量,四张Singles(包括"Seven Days"及"Fill Me In")高据其它欧美国家流行榜,Craig David更成为首位夺得英国细碟及大碟榜冠军的最年轻歌手。
  现为白金销量歌手的Craig David出生于英国南安普敦,童年时已发挥出其音乐才华。十五岁时,年纪轻轻的Craig David受到母亲的鼓励下,参加了作曲比赛。他只用了两天时间来完成的参赛歌曲"I'm Ready",更令他在比赛中脱颖而出。胜出比赛除了令他的作品被流行乐队Damage采用外,更为Craig David打开其歌唱事业。
  事实上,Craig David、Robbie Williams、Ronan Keating三人在英国歌坛似乎有彼此较劲抢占头号男歌手的目的,但Craig不仅没成为Robbie和Ronan的眼中钉,俩人更不止一次表示欣赏Craig,希望彼此有合作机会,Ronan甚至呼吁三人公开合作为公益抛砖引玉,传为歌坛佳话。而自从“英国小天王”窜红来,歌坛也掀起一阵“Craig David旋风”,从艾尔顿强、U2、Jamiroquai、Sisqo、Usher等都对他的音乐深深着迷,不停在访问中提及对Craig的喜爱,就连“全球性感女神”珍妮佛洛佩兹也情不自禁点名要和他飙歌,更巧的是珍妮佛前男友吹牛老爹还曾力邀克Craig加入自己的唱片公司。美国媒体则比喻Craig David是继乔治迈可后最令人期待的英国男歌手,七月Craig David在洛杉矶的表演引来布兰妮和贾斯汀情人档的热情捧场,而他在纽约中央公园的现场演出更造成轰动。
  *首张专辑「Born To Do It」全球销量超过700万张、全球7个国家冠军宝座
  *英国冠桂诗人史汀爱才跨刀合唱强劲单曲"Rise & Fall"
  当99年首度亮相于Artful Dodger的年度2-Step Garage国歌单曲Rewind中时,年仅18岁的Craig David那温文尔雅的美妙嗓音早已让人过耳不忘,也理所当然成为当时锐不可当之UK Garage风潮的最受瞩目新星。然而事实证明Craig David这位来自英国南汉普敦的大男孩远远超过大家期待,尽管单曲Fill Me In依旧包含流畅2-Step Garage元素(此曲让Craig David成为英国流行音乐史上最年轻的冠军男歌手),但事实上他所带来以家乡生活为题材的首张专辑Born To Do It (天生好手)却是一张以Urban Soul、R&B、Hip Hop为主干的作品,写下的是英国近代Urban Music重要的一页。
  也正因如此,Born To Do It不仅得以横扫英国与全球流行乐坛―曾获六项英国MOBO音乐大奖提名并累积超过七百万张的全球销售量,也在美国市场上取得极大的回响。更让乐迷所津津乐道的是单曲7 Days在美国发行时,还收录了金牌Hip Hop监制兼Guru亲密合作搭档DJ Premier操刀Remix、东岸Underground Rap名将Mos Def献声Rap的全新Hip Hop Ballad版本。
  在『Born To Do It』专辑中,Craig David融合2-Step/UK Garage?AR&B、拉丁、摇滚、爵士等多样音乐元素,以其充满磁性、性感诱人的嗓音征服全球乐迷。无怪乎英国流行乐坛龙头老大Elton John更大胆诙谐的以『如果在英国有比Craig David更好的歌手的话,那麼我就是英国首相柴契尔夫人』来赞誉这位未来英国流行乐坛炙手可热的天皇接班人。
因为克雷格大卫 音乐有了新口味
  *首张专辑『Born To Do It』全球销量超过700万张、全球7个国家冠军宝座
  ※史汀跨刀合唱曲"Rise & Fall"蝉连五周欧陆电台拨放冠军
  即便最初是因为1999年亮相于Artful Dodger的年度2-Step Garage国歌Rewind中而大受瞩目,然而Craig David这位当时年仅18岁的英国南汉普敦大男孩却远远超过大家期待,带来了一张以家乡生活为题材、并在音乐上贯通Urban Soul、R&B、Hip Hop、2-Step的首张专辑『Born To Do It 』(天生好手)。结果Born To Do It不仅一举获得全英音乐奖、葛来美音乐奖与六项英国MOBO音乐大奖提名,累积超过七百万张的全球销售量并在超过20个国家获得多白金唱片销量肯定。
  不过短短三年的时间,Craig David不仅是英国市场上最令人兴奋与最具谈论话题的头号新秀(2003年5月於Royal Albert Hall举办的两场演出门票全数售罄),更已是世界流行乐坛中最耀眼的一颗巨星。无疑,Craig David写下了英国近代Urban Music重要的一页,更突破过去英国歌手在美国市场上攻城略地的魔咒而取得极大的回响(包括得以与Christina Aguilera、Nelly同台压轴演出)。Craig David的魅力也远征东瀛,赢得本届MTV音乐录影带大奖最佳男歌手。

这里给大家听的是【world filled with love】

saw some pictures in the paper,
of a girl id met the day before.
i couldnt believe that hours later,
i had reporters knockin at my door,
but i used to dream about,
the life im living now and,
i didnt think id miss those things from the past,
and im not afraid of leaving,
or letting go of what i had,
cause i realize that now theres no turning back.
cause im a young heart living in a world filled with love,
so when tear drops fall from me like rain from above,
i can brush my troubles away,
know that deep down inside,
i got sun shining in my life.
i used to think i could get better,
my girlfriends always used to get me wrong.
some just sent messages, love letters,
but those kinda feelings never lasted long.
cause now the only love i finds within a castle made of sand,
and when the tide goes out its swept away.
though i got my peace of mind,
and time is firmly on my side,
and through the battles i can safely say...
(music break)
cause i mean im a young heart living in a world filled with love,
so when tear drops fall from me like rain from above,
i can brush my troubles away,
know that deep down inside,
i got sun shining in my life.
im caught living in a world filled with love,
so when tear drops fall from me like rain from above,
i can brush my troubles away,
know that deep down inside,
i got sun shining in my life.

这首应该是我最喜欢的一首之一,在他的歌里面,整个旋律都很喜欢,还有很多地方的安排,比如,but i,and i这些地方,背后总疑似有回音一样的,而且很喜欢他的那种高音的转音。假如,这个世界上的每个人都跟他唱得那句一样:i got sunshine in my heart,那么这个世界就真的很美好,名副其实的world filled with love了,在高潮部分差不多最后的那一下转换也是俺喜欢的,过度部分的贝斯(还是电吉他?)+鼓的伴奏,是俺最爱的组合啊啊。他的升调总觉得很可爱,不会突兀。


这里给大家听的是【rise and fall】

sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,

and it seems as though the writings on the wall,

superstar you finally made it,

but once your picture becomes tainted,

it's what they call,

the rise and fall

i always said that i was gonna make it,
now it's plain for everyone to see,
but this game i'm in don't take no prisoners,
just casualties,
i know that everything is gonna change,
even the friends i knew before me go,
but this dream is the life i've been searching for,
started believing that i was the greatest,
my life was never gonna be the same,
cause with the money came a different status,
that's when things change,
now i'm too concerned with all the things i own,
blinded by all the pretty girls i see,
i'm beginning to lose my integrity
sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,
and it seems as though the writings on the wall,
superstar you finally made it,
but once your picture becomes tainted,
it's what they call,
the rise and fall

i never used to be a troublemaker,
now i don't even wanna please the fans,
no autographs,
no interviews,
no pictures,
and less demands,
given advice that was clearly wrong,
the type that seems to make me feel so right,
but some things you may find can take over your life,
burnt all my bridges now i've run out of places,
and there's nowhere left for me to turn,
been caught in comprimising situations,
i should have learnt,
from all those times i didn't walk away,
when i knew that it was best to go,
is it too late to show you the shape of my heart,
sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,
and it seems as though the writings on the wall,
superstar you finally made it,
but once your picture becomes tainted,
it's what they call,
the rise and fall

now i know,
i made mistakes,
think i don't care,
but you don't realise what this means to me,
so let me have,
just one more chance,
i'm not the man i used to be,
used to beeeeeeeeeee

sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,

and it seems as though the writings on the wall,

superstar you finally made it,

but once your picture becomes tainted,

it's what they call,

the rise and fall

刚开始听的时候,听着刚开头我以为是有手机在旁边干扰……然后发现,囧是特别效果,想到王菲的一场演唱会拿着扩音喇叭,还想到林宥嘉的某一场比赛也是这样。不得不说,还蛮特别的,而且他这个是和声先来,再开始独唱,虽然唱得速度比较快,但是不知道为什么,我觉得还是算有点缓慢的调调,当然最喜欢的还是合唱的那部分,整首歌的安排我很喜欢,有种一下子聚焦这边,然后转移的那种感觉。和合唱并列喜欢的是now  i know这里到sometimes中间这段,而且他一直唱sometimes这段,每段都有变化,即使主调没变化,背景伴奏总是有变化,感觉不会乏味。最后再以类似录音机出来的声音结尾,首尾呼应啊~
[ 此帖被kogisn在2009-09-14 00:54重新编辑 ]
kogisn 离线
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UID: 44908
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126  发表于: 2009-09-14  

这里给大家听的是【slicker than your average】

yo craig (yeah)
there's some real jealous people out there right (uh huh)
tryin' to say how you're whack (what)
how your music's soft (what)
and you ain't got nothin' to say (what)

well it's album number two right
so you gotta let 'em know (that's right)
so do your thing (yeah)
take your time (yeah)
speak your mind (listen)

ever since i first stepped up
they thought i wasn't good enough, no
they told me that i'd only last one song
(that's foolish man - what's it like now?7 million albums?)
they said i wasn't from the streets (the streets)
when i was working behind boxes
shit like this don't happen overnight, no no

while they're tellin' me
about my imagery
how i'm so squeaky clean
whenever i'm on tv
too much jealousy
in the industry
why are you watching me
when you should just let me be (craig)

slicker than your average

tell me what do you want from me

slicker than your average

tell me what do you want from me

slicker than your average, hey

tell me what do you want from me

slicker than your average

ooh tell me what you want from me

some people say it's been too long
that's why i'm here to prove them all wrong
so why do imitators wanna bite my style
(ladies and gentlemen, will the real craig david please stand up?)
you never had a problem at home
when i was havin' woman trouble
somebody fill me in when i serve my time
remember who gave you rewind
while they're tellin' me
that i'm too r'n'b
how i turned right back up
the whole uk garage scene
then they stress me
no matter we have much more to see
why are you watching me
when you should just let me be (craig)
everywhere that i go (everywhere that i go)
they keep stopping my flow (they keep stopping my flow)
everywhere that i go (everywhere that i go)
they keep stopping my flow
check it

there comes a time (there comes a time)
when you've gotta take a step to do what's right
(as much as t like t can't possibly please everyone)

slicker than your average
single surfin' gap bridge
busy tryin' to slam me cos i smashed it
well they don't understand us
i'm hittin' i'm established
while takin' british music to the masses
the gold diggers go bananas
the same ones that didn't show me no love
when i was cashless
in the day when it really mattered
when i was pennin' competition no publishin' hits for damage (craig)
now the gold go to me so minimal
i'm involved in the platinum plaques and records sold
heaven knows that i got a producer with ego
and there were those that were told exactly where to go
somebody please stop these little kids
the one that pulled bumpers off me to assist
shoutin' outside of the block i used to live

开头的似乎是keyboard制造出来的声音,开始俺还以为是有点像车喇叭的那种,以为是开头打造用的,没想到等他开始唱歌,居然也一直跟随,这点俺每次听都想不明白跟这首歌啥关系,莫非是车喇叭?这首歌时不时穿插了说话进来的,还是背景的,有点像对话的那种感觉,这里的高声觉得尖的有点点让人囧,不过相对他来说是自然了,不过俺会以为是女的=。=如果没听过的话……这首歌旋律性感觉没那么长,不过唱的部分旋律还是不错的,giv me那段风格开始有那么点变,但好像跟着车喇叭就是弄不掉。。


这里给大家听的是【fast cars】

fast cars,
fast women,
speed bikes with the nitro in them,
dangerous when driven,
those are the type that i be feelin

sitting there while i observe,
i like your lines i love your curves,
checking out your bodywork,
how can i get with her,
your the one that i want,
do anything to turn you on,
somebody please just pass the keys
so you can take a ride with me

im on a mission,
first thing disarming your system,
next thing slip the key in the ignition,
just listen,
to the way that you purr at me you know your as perverse as me,
when your back starts dipping,
wheel spinning when the gears start shifting,
im sticking to the turbo kissing,
you know that im missing,
got me moving so fast you got me missing the flash a 5.0,

fast cars,
fast women,
speed bikes with the nitro in them,
dangerous when driven,
those are the type that i be feelin

feel the rise feel the rush,
the moment i tease your clutch,
reacting to my every touch,
were shifting down were tearing up,
i dont care where we go,
the brand new alps the amazon,
even if we crash you know,
ill spin your round just to let you know

im on a mission,
first thing disarming your system,
next thing slip the key in the ignition,
just listen,
to the way that you purr at me you know your as perverse as me,
when your back starts dipping,
and im unaware of the limits im hitting,
blurred vision in a critical condition,
could blow the transmission,
got me moving so fast you got me missing the flash a 5.0,

fast cars,
fast women,
speed bikes with the nitro in them,
dangerous when driven,
those are the type that i be feelin

body like a racecar,
you got the curves like jaguar,
acceleration like a yamaha,
i like the way you perform when im turning you on,
feel it when i revving you,
smoother than a blazer,
hatin like a lexus,
i like the way you perform when im turning you on

fast cars,
fast women,
speed bikes with the nitro in them,
dangerous when driven,
those are the type that i be feeling

这首歌的刚开头有点像要准备比赛然后厂房门拉起来的那种感觉,然后听到了砸车窗的声音,还有引擎发动的声音,听着这首歌俺就想到以前看过的一部讲赛车的电影《速度与激情》,不听歌词光听他唱的调调和旋律和背景的伴奏,我总是觉得像是在为比赛做伴奏音的感觉,有好几个人都在路上奔驰,craig david倒是蛮悠闲的一边吹着这首歌的调调一边踩油门挂档等等,然后不断地超车,看,又超过了一辆,fast women么估计是给一些塞车宝贝之类的人说的,不过整首歌的mtv电影效果十足啊
[ 此帖被kogisn在2009-09-14 01:06重新编辑 ]
kogisn 离线
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UID: 44908
精华: 16
发帖: 3681
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威望: 23352 点
光辉成就: 13 分
在线时间: 2915(时)
注册时间: 2008-02-25
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127  发表于: 2009-09-14  

这里给大家听的是【two steps back】

ooh, ooh (craig david)
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
you know i'm the kinda guy that does 9 to 5
working real hard is the way i live my life
back home just me and you girl all alone
when no one interrupting
switch off the phone
but i could be that other guy
who comes home late at night and tells you lies
so why you're trippin' out on me girl all the time
when every day it's only you that's on my mind oh
every time we take one step forward
you take 2 steps back
everytime it's right you bring left back (oh, oh)
girl you really oughta think about it
cuz there's really no doubt about it
you know i'm been there for you and that's the truth

you know you're the kinda girl that doesn't need to front
keep it real, let me know just what you want
sometimes she just don't know when to stop
you always want so much for nothing
you're just losing what you've got
now can't you see there's no other girl
i think you're the most beautiful woman in this world
but you say i don't appreciate you
and i don't know how to treat you
we don't do the same thing we did no more
every time we take one step forward
you take 2 steps back
everytime it's right you bring left back (oh, oh)
girl you really oughta think about it
cuz there's really no doubt about it
you know i'm been there for you and that's the truth

remember it wasn't that long ago
you told me that you love me so
don't forget all the nights we shared
when you told me girl how much you cared
it could be a little straight
but this is the way plays to play
i'm not that kinda man
why can't you understand
cause i
want you to trust in me
baby girl can't you see
you only gonna mess things up
you've done enough
why can't you stop
you're gonna lose what's good to you
and it's the last thing you wanna do
won't find another let me hold
every time we take one step forward
you take 2 steps back
everytime it's right you bring left back (oh, oh)
girl you really oughta think about it
cuz there's really no doubt about it
you know i'm been there for you and that's the truth

虽然开头不是很抒情的歌的吉他独奏,但是那几下拨弦我还是很喜欢,不过为啥米它的持续性这么长捏……前小半段是有点光靠他的清唱和吉他的那几下拨弦来度过到高潮的,虽然刚开始只有吉他的拨弦和清唱,但是不知道为啥总觉得是有其他伴奏一样,听着挺丰富的。当every time开始的时候,感觉像是看到了一张平面图上的小人啊小鸟啊小狗啊等等全部都变成动的那种感觉,也许比喻不太恰当,但是那个伴奏旋律和他的唱的一起响的时候,跟前面的相对来说清静些的对比则是一下子有了立体的那种感觉。到最后也是吉他拨弦来结束,我发现craig david首尾呼应总是非常注意啊。


这里给大家听的是【hands up in the air】

ou baby..its all about a party
you really wanna, really wanna, get down tonight, down tonight...
come on baby
lemme see those hands up in the air
lemme see you bounce tonight...
tonight its all about a party
dressin up to try and impress somebody
hoping to find your self a fly shorty
and somebody oh so beautiful so right
if youre still feeling unsure,
then make your up on the dance floor
you should be shaking what you got
thats what you came for--
so shut the back door
cuz no ones tripping
just keep playing that song
let me see those hands up in the air
all my fellas bouncing in the club let me hear you say yah--
no oh no, its nothing new
to raise the roof with your crew
but you can bring it down if you want to
let me see those hands up in the air
all my ladies shaking what you got let me hear you say yah
if you wanna jump around
believe in love its time to get down,
moving to the groove i know it feels good to you...
youre gonna see a
hot girl.. a rock girl, looking kinda fly
and she knows it very well...
the kind youd be calling on your cell.
falling underneath the spell
so addicted baby-- cant you tell?
you need a hot boy
top boy
looking kinda fly...
one that makes you feel weak at the knees
now if its for real then just let it show
while the beat moves your body, mind and soul...

now baby i gotta just break it on down...
this one goes out to all my fellas---all my ladies oh yah
now i know its kinda easy to raise the roof with your crew
but i know it aint that easy to bring the whole thing down...
let me see those hands up in the air
all my fellas bouncing in the club let me hear you say yah--
no oh no, its nothing new
to raise the roof with your crew
but you can bring it down if you want to
let me see those hands up in the air
all my ladies shaking what you got let me hear you say yah
if you wanna jump around
believe in love its time to get down,
moving to the groove i know it feels good to you...

这首歌我还没听第一次看到名字的时候是联想到在飞机上打劫,呵呵,不知道为什么会产生这个联想,刚开头的那几下乐器制造的效果给我感觉又像是有人穿着黑皮衣黑皮鞋全身黑的出场了。let me see those hands up in the air他是选择两段连唱,但是听起来倒不会觉得一直是在重复一段,可能是因为唱的时候他总有那么点自然发挥,听起来的感觉就像是两段相似但是不一样的,最后的结尾则还是开头的那个乐器(我实在听不出来是啥orz)来制造渐行渐远的效果,跟刚开头的出场也是首尾呼应了。
[ 此帖被kogisn在2009-09-14 08:40重新编辑 ]
kogisn 离线
级别: 橘园贵宾

UID: 44908
精华: 16
发帖: 3681
橘果: 44656 颗
威望: 23352 点
光辉成就: 13 分
在线时间: 2915(时)
注册时间: 2008-02-25
最后登录: 2023-06-21
128  发表于: 2009-09-14  

这里给大家听的是【7 days】

(you know what what what
got something to say
yeah craig david
7 days
check it out yeah)
on my way to see my friends
who lived a couple blocks away from me (owh)
as i walked through the subway
it must have been about quarter past three
in front of me
stood a beautiful honey with a beautiful body
she asked me for the time
i said itd cost her her name
a six digit number a date with me tomorrow at nine
did she decline? no
didnt she mind? i dont think so
was it for real? damn sure
what was the deal? a pretty girl aged 24
so was she keen? she couldnt wait
cinnamon queen? let me update
what did she say? she said shed love to
she asked me what we were gonna do
said wed start with a bottle of moet for two
took her for a drink on tuesday
we were making love by wednesday
and on thursday friday saturday we chilled on sunday
i met this girl on monday
took her for a drink on tuesday
we were making love by wednesday
and on thursday friday saturday we chilled on sunday
nine was the time
cos ill be getting mine
and she was looking fine
smooth talker
she told me
shed love to unfold me all night long
ooh i loved the way she kicked it
from the front to back she flipped (back she flipped it, ooh the way she kicked it)
and i oh oh i yeah
hope that shed care
cos im a man wholl always be there
ooh yeah
im not a man to play around baby
ooh yeah
cos a one night stand isnt really fair
from the first impression girl hmm you dont seem to be like that
cos theres no need to chat for therell be plenty for that
from the subway to my home
endless ringing of my phone
when you feeling all alone
all you gotta do
is just call me call me
took her for a drink on tuesday
we were making love by wednesday
and on thursday friday saturday we chilled on sunday
i met this girl on monday
took her for a drink on tuesday
we were making love by wednesday
and on thursday friday saturday we chilled on sunday
(break it down, uh break it down)
since i met this special lady
ooh yeah
i cant get her of my mind
shes one of a kind
and i aint about to deny it
its a special kind thing
with you-oh.......
took her for a drink on tuesday
we were making love by wednesday
and on thursday friday saturday we chilled on sunday
i met this girl on monday
took her for a drink on tuesday
we were making love by wednesday
and on thursday friday saturday we chilled on sunday

这首歌我觉得应该是在他出名了很久之后开始在国内流行的了,在后来的一个假期我回来在哪都听到这首歌囧,有点像是自白的一种的,其中一小段对话,虽然是他自己问自己答,但是他用声音让我感觉到是两个人在对话,虽然声音的差别不是那么大。估计他的最出名的一段就是Monday到Sunday这一段,不得不说这段虽然某一句的歌词比较直接但是用这样的一段来描述MONDAY到SUNDAY还是蛮特别的,题目讲的就是7 days么,主要就是这一段,然后其他的其实都是在打铺垫,不过他这样把几天连在一起带的我估计也只有R&B才这样安排不会奇怪,最后依然是纯音乐收尾,跟开头的纯音乐开头收尾呼应的依然很好。



i never thought that i'd fall in love, love, love, love
but it grew from a simple crush, crush, crush, crush
being without you girl, i was all messed up, up, up, up
when you walked out, said that you'd had enough-nough-nough-nough
been a fool, girl i know
didn't expect this is how things would go
maybe in time, you'll change your mind
now looking back i wish i could rewind
because i can't sleep til you're next to me
no i can't live without you no more
oh i stay up til you're next to me
til this house feels like it did before
feels like insomnia ah ah, feels like insomnia ah ah
feels like insomnia ah ah, feels like insomnia ah ah
remember telling my boys that i'd never fall in love, love, love, love
you used to think i'd never find a girl i could trust, trust, trust, trust
and then you walked into my life and it was all about us, us, us, us
but now i'm sitting here thinking i messed the whole thing up, up, up, up
been a fool (fool), girl i know (know)
didn't expect this is how things would go
maybe in time (time), you'll change your mind (mind)
now looking back i wish i could rewind
because i can't sleep til you're next to me
no i can't live without you no more (without you no more)
oh i stay up til you're next to me (to me)
til this house feels like it did before (because it)
feels like insomnia ah ah, feels like insomnia ah ah
feels like insomnia ah ah (ah), feels like insomnia ah ah
ah, i just can't go to sleep
cause it feels like i've fallen for you
it's getting way too deep
and i know that it's love because
i can't sleep til you're next to me
no i can't live without you no more (without you no more)
oh i stay up til you're next to me (to me)
til this house feels like it did before
feels like insomnia ah ah, feels like insomnia ah ah
feels like insomnia ah ah, feels like insomnia ah ah
feels like insomnia ah ah, feels like insomnia ah ah
feels like insomnia ah ah, feels like insomnia ah ah

[ 此帖被kogisn在2009-09-14 08:56重新编辑 ]
kogisn 离线
级别: 橘园贵宾

UID: 44908
精华: 16
发帖: 3681
橘果: 44656 颗
威望: 23352 点
光辉成就: 13 分
在线时间: 2915(时)
注册时间: 2008-02-25
最后登录: 2023-06-21
129  发表于: 2009-09-14  

这里给大家听的是【walking away】

im walking away, from the troubles in my life
im walking away (yeah) oh, to find a better day
im walking away (im walking away)
from the troubles in my life
im walking away (yeah) oh, to find a better day
im walking away
sometimes some people get me wrong
when its something ive said or done
sometimes you feel there is no fun
thats why you turn and run
but now i truly realise
some people dont wanna compromise
well, i saw them with my own eyes
spreading those lies, and
well, i dont wanna live my life, too many sleepless nights
not mentioning the fights, im sorry to say, lady
im walking away, from the troubles in my life
im walking away (yeah) oh, to find a better day
im walking away (im walking away)
from the troubles in my life
im walking away (yeah) oh, to find a better day
im walking away
well, im so tired, baby
things you say, youre driving me away
whispers in the powder room, baby
dont listen to the games they play
girl, i thought youd realise
im not like them other guys
coz i saw them with my own eyes
you shouldve been more wise, and
well, i dont wanna live my life, too many sleepless nights
not mentioning the fights, im sorry to say, lady
im walking away (now im walking away)
from the troubles in my life (from the troubles in my life)
im walking away (yeah) oh, to find a better day
im walking away (im walking away)
from the troubles in my life (troubles in my life)
im walking away (yeah)(im walking away)
oh, to find a better day
im walking away (im walking away)
from the troubles in my life (ive tried to solve you, baby)
im walking away (oh, yeah)(oh, yeah)
oh, to find a better day
(oh, im gon, im gonna find a better day)
im walking away (oh, yeah)
from the troubles in my life
(from the troubles in my life, baby)
im walking away (yeah) oh, to find a better day

这首歌我是听的熟到我看到名字就能开始哼哼了。他的开头依然是纯音乐,加上动感的爵士鼓,开头是我的控。i'm walking away这句既像是开头又像是结束,第一段合唱是用这句开始也是用这句结束,带进了他的独唱部分,那句i'm walking away又像是独唱部分的开头。这首歌的安排也是先高潮再非高潮,有点像two steps back。他的walking away这段高潮也是,每次主调没有变化,但是背后的音他总是有变化。这首歌就没有以纯音乐来收尾,但是是唱着i'm walking away声音越来越小,就真的像越走越远的那种渐远的感觉



craig david this is how we do it
(this is how we do it)
yeah well come on check it out

(whatcha doing cos we@ll be rendezvousing

you know we@ll be getting some

getting jiggy just for fun)
six o@clock in the morning wipe
he sleep from my eyes (yeah)
felt just like an ordinary day
just around the corner, such a
surprise, a beautiful angel materialised
time stood still face to face
i@m sure we@d met in another time and
place (met in another time and place)
our eyes met as you passed me by (passed me by)
two souls entwined in the blink of an eye (yeah)
and i had to figure out what i@d be missing
so i turned to you and asked you if you wanted to
(you know we@ll be getting some getting jiggy just for fun)

rendezvous where to my place
say 2 we can do anything you wanna do
hey, tonight is your night yeah
when you close your eyes,
take a minute, take a moment realise
do you see me when you fantiasise

tonight@ll be your night
i@m just sitting here daydreaming
about you and all the things you do
girl feels so right
and all i know is your the one for me,
that special kinda@ lady
in my life, in my life
well here i am writing you a love song
holding back those years, it@s been so long
and i can@t deny the way that i@m feeling (feeling)
it@s true, so girl that@s why i@m asking you, can we...
darling tell me, what@s on your mind?
what are you thinking
hey what you thinking?
hey what you thinking?
darling tell me what@s on you mind?
what@s on your mind yeah?
darling what are you thinking
now darling what are you thinking...
i@m just sitting here daydreaming
about you and all the things you do
girl feels so right
and all i know is your the one for me,
that special kinda lady
in my life, in my life yeah

whatcha doing cos we@ll be rendezvousing
you know we@ll be getting some
getting jiggy just for fun

这首的开头似乎是电子琴,然后一小段,craig david就出来唱了1句,然后又是背景音来唱,craig david也跑到背景音去唱了一段之后,相当于前奏比较长,再开始正题,我发现这首歌里面craig david很喜欢安排一句里面最后两个词一起跟他合音的这首,背景有个音感觉老是像是汽车按喇叭的那种。他的这首歌相对于之前的几首,算是比较慢一点的,不过怎么说呢,我觉得没有那个汽车按喇叭的音会好听很多。他找的唱what you thinking这一句的人嗓音跟他的挺像的,听起来像是分两次录的单人唱的,不过怎么说呢这样合音,感觉倒是不错。开头是背景音的说唱和那个喇叭音,结尾也是说唱和喇叭音,依然首尾呼应
[ 此帖被kogisn在2009-09-14 09:24重新编辑 ]

《微微一笑很倾城》的作者是谁? 正确答案:顾漫